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Smart talent search

We know how to find and attract the best specialists, ensuring results on clear terms.
Smart talent search
Search features

Progressive practices

We don't limit ourselves to standard tools such as HeadHunter, LinkedIn, or GitHub – we utilize each resource to its fullest potential, including social networks, meetups, hackathons, as well as our own contact networks. Our candidate database encompasses over 180k specialists, and active networking enables us to respond quickly to client requests.

Experience our effectiveness

We don't waste time on unnecessary formalities. Potential candidates are presented to you as early as 3 days after receiving the recruitment request.
Experience our effectiveness

Specialists we can source

There are no awkward or unclear vacancies for us, but there are those we most frequently work with:
User Interface Designer
User Interface Designer
FigmaAccessibilityPrototypingVisual DesignDesign System
Java Developer
Java Developer
JavaKafkaSpring FrameworkMicroservicesHibernateSwagger
QA Engineer
QA Engineer
Business Analyst
Business Analyst
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineer
Frontend Developer
Frontend Developer
ReactJavaScriptAnt DesignStorybookNext.jsAnimations

Your savings

A simple calculation shows how costly independent search for specialists can be. And these are the expenses we can relieve you from:
Applicant tracking
Access to
candidate data

Why choose us

Every stage in our processes is aimed at creating a comprehensive and clear understanding of candidates who not only meet the requirements but also are best suited for successful integration into the future team.


We don't require any upfront payments or advances, nor do we limit the number of candidates presented to you. You only pay for our services after the successful placement of the candidate into the position.


Microservices, cloud computing, virtualization, and containerization – we're in the know about all the latest trends in software product development, and we know how to find such specialists.


We operate worldwide and provide professional support 24/7 in English, Russian, Kazakh, and Chinese.

Where we find professionals

In our work, we extensively use automation systems, social networks, and professional communities. If we can't find the right candidates on Indeed, Stack Overflow, or LinkedIn, we turn to platforms like GitHub or Behance – where we review their code and portfolios.
If our candidate leaves within 1-6 months, we'll find a suitable replacement for you free of charge.

Aleksandr Abashkin

Chief Executive Officer
Communication is not only the language of interaction but also understanding how high-tech business operates. We don't just extract work experience from resumes; we comprehend the intricacies of the market, the working environment, and the tasks our candidates will face. Such a philosophy makes us more customer-centric, enabling us to better understand their needs and expectations.
Aleksandr Abashkin

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions and answers about our work.See all answers

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We deeply respect the needs of your business, as we are an integral part of it ourselves.